Trading rules

Do not trade without confirmation :

Whenever you travel on the plane, the person who checks in, confirms you have a ticket, only then lets you in, if someone does not have a ticket, let them go inside, then maybe once O will be saved but the second time  By doing this, you will be fired from the job, the same happens in trading, if you enter the trade without confirmation, then the stop loss will be hit, if not today or tomorrow, and at some point your trading account will be empty and you will also quit trading.

Do not enter the trade until your setup tells you to enter the trade.

Do not trade without stop loss :

Have you ever driven a car without brakes?  If you have run then you know what happened if you are trading without stop loss then a big movement can empty your entire trading capital.

You must have heard many times that he has lost five lakhs, he has lost two lakhs, o how in happy times?  There are many reasons for how there is such a big loss in one go, but one big reason is that he did not put a stop loss.

Don't do dump exit :

Some people make the entry in the trade right away, as long as the trade is going in his direction, he will remain in the trade, but then when the trade goes in the opposite direction of his direction, then he will be removed from the current trade.  And as long as the green candle is formed, it is fine but only a small red candle will be formed immediately, then its target has been hit or do not see the new o when the trade is taken, then the target or stop loss should be taken and not the trade.  Take out in the middle.  Never leave the trade out of fear, otherwise you will never be able to trade.

Maximum 2 stop loss taken in a day :

Whenever you hit two stop loss in a day, then you should stop trading for that day because even if you put 2% to 3% of the entire capital in one trade, even if two stop loss will be hit, then on the same day  4% to 6% of the entire capital will be emptied and if you trade even after hitting two stop losses, you will end up losing more in the process of recovering the loss and will be a victim of over trading and over trading you empty the trading account  Can do.

  • Maintained Risk per trade :
  • Maintained risk to reword :
  • Position sizing :

How do I manage risk with these three trading rules?  It has been explained in detail in the blog, you can go and see.

Don't look at the P&L :

What people do is take a trade and then keep watching P&L when it is in green then it is okay and when it goes down a bit, get scared and get out of the trade and take another trade and there too Same then keep watching P&L when it is in green then it is ok and when it goes down a bit get scared and get out of the trade and take another trade, just keep doing over-trading as the trading account is empty till.

Fear of missing out (regret for missed entry) :

A lot of people take trades early in a trade just because they are afraid that a trade may be taken out of my hands, because of that they take trades without confirmation, make losses and then regret every time that trade  Had to take new ones, then become emotional, if the entry in the trade is missed, then in a hurry, some other trade is taken in which the confirmation has not been received yet and in the same way, the whole day spoils and they say that the market is not running properly today.

Never add to a losing trade :

A mistake is made by new people coming to the market more and more, they take trades, if they are showing a loss, then in the process of averaging the price in a large amount, they put money in the same trade and then there is a further loss and then in the trade.  Because o loss now becomes bigger and o can't accept because of this never put more money in the trade which is in loss and to average the price.

Run the winning-cut the losses :

A mistake is also made by new people who have come to the market at a higher level, took a trade, gave a little profit, then booked the profit, if they reach the full target, they are removed beforehand and the trade which is doing the loss, let it run and make a big loss To avoid this, the trade has to be held until the target hits the target, never before the target, yes, if you prove to be wrong in the trade, you can take it out, but the trade is going in your direction.  Hold it.  To know why to do this, how to trade like a casino?  You can see the blog.
